Friday, May 9, 2014

WTF is Oil Pulling?

Everyday there's a new beauty craze that surfaces that everybody goes crazy for... and right now the hype is all about oil pulling.

Oil pulling is kind of like using oil as a mouthwash.. I know it sounds kinda gross but it's an ancient Ayurvedic practice used to rid your mouth of toxins, bacteria and all the nasty shi*t your toothbrush can't pick out. Woo! Basically you swish a tablespoon of room temp. coconut oil (you can pick your own oil, but coconut oil is preferred) around your mouth for 20 minutes on an empty stomach. This procedure supposedly gets rid of toxins in the mouth and body promoting better health and wellbeing.. so it's kinda like a detox you could say.

So.. Why am I interested in oil pulling?

Well, I'm sort of a tea fanatic and we all know that drinking large amounts of tea can stain them pearly whites. I probably drink 3 cups of tea a day.. which is alot according to mother dear. Well, the mumsy is always lecturing me on how I shouldn't drink so much tea because I'm gonna end up with black teeth.. but giving up tea is pretty much giving up happiness.. and why would I do such a thing?

So if oil pulling can prevent me from obtaining "black teeth" while leaving me at peace with my tea, i'm pretty much willing to try it.

Here's how to oil pull: 
  • Take a tablespoon of oil and put it in your mouth
  • Swish swish swish the oil around in your mouth for 20 mins
  • SPIT OUT YOUR OIL, do not swallow it!!! The point of oil pulling is to get rid of the nasties not to ingest it!
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT SPIT IN THE SINK! The oil will solidify and you'll hate yourself 
  • Brush your teeth after spitting.
Other benefits oil pulling may bring you:

x Fresh breath and whiter teeth
x Reduces harmful bacteria in the mouth, preventing conditions like strep throat
x Cures hangovers ... i don't know how this would actually work, but many use this remedy.

Hmmm, I'm very intrigued.. Maybe I'll even do a 10 day test run and post an update.

Happy Oil Pulling!

x Michelle

Photo Credits:
Contributing sources: The Skinny Confidential,, Authority Nutrition