Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lee Price on Emotional Eating

I recently came across these self-portrait paintings by Lee Price depicting her struggle with her secret-binge eating, opening up the topic of women's attitudes and relationships towards food. In a series of photographic paintings, which has taken her 7 years to produce, she features herself in secret binge-eating episodes, which is seen in very real and existing eating disorders. Through her paintings she explores the obsession many of us have with food.

Emotional eating is something many people struggle with, not just females. Lee Price's paintings cover the shame and compulsiveness that comes with emotional eating. We have been taught to use food as a comforting mechanism, as a way to deal with the stressors we face in our daily lives. 

I'm happy that I came across these paintings, as I can relate very well to them. I've struggled with bouts of binge eating, there are times where I feel stressed so I reach for a pint of ice cream without even thinking about it.. next thing you know I've downed the entire pint, plus a couple bag of chips and some cookies from my pantry. Physically, I feel overwhelmingly full, but I'm still craving a slice of pizza or something. I know I'm engaging in compulsive behaviour, but at the same time... I am unable to stop myself. 

"I use food as a metaphor for the ways we distract ourselves from being present, There is an absurdity to the repetition of this act of compulsion. At the same time it is an attempt to find real nourishment
Lee Price

When it comes down to our relationship with food, it's important to be mindful. We use food as a way to escape our problems momentarily. We aren't really dealing with our problems, but rather "taking a break" from them.  "The women in my paintings are seeking a place of solace. They are looking for a reacquaintance with joy. They are searching for the lusciousness of life," - Lee Price